AT&T: Is it too much to ask that ATT hire people that...
GetHuman用户~EdithPrickley来自novembre 23º, 2017的AT&T条客户评论
~EdithPrickley:Sure。在novembre 20º上是afternoon。
~EdithPrickley:我使用了我在GetHuman AT&T客户电话号码页面上找到的800-331-0500号码:AT&T客户服务电话号码 GetHuman:这些常见的AT&T客户问题中,哪一个最能说明您想与他们交谈的原因?
(显示 ~EdithPrickley 常见 AT&T 问题的列表)
~EdithPrickley:“ Billing”是我尝试使用to call的原因。
~EdithPrickley:Is it too much to ask that ATT hire people that have some grasp of the English language? Even when I ask them to spell words for me, I can't understand what they are saying.*The voice mail jail there is so deeply irritating, the pat phrases are so predictable ("May I place you on a brief hold? I'll just look that up, etc." If I ever catch the maliciously cheerful man who does their voice mail on the street, I'll give him a good jab to the forehead! They are the most confused, chaotic company I've ever dealt with. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. ARGHH!
GetHuman:好吧,你有它。 ~EdithPrickley在novembre 20º, 2017发生的AT&T客户服务问题中得到了一些有用的反馈和措辞。