Groupon: The entire time I waited for an person I was at...
GetHuman用户~?来自नवंबर २७, २०१७的Groupon条客户评论
~?:Yeah。在नवंबर २६上是morning。
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~?:“ Cancel service”是我尝试使用to contact的原因。
~?:The entire time I waited for an person I was attempting to log in to my account It said I was using the wrong password (even though I have it saved on my computer) So I asked to have a link sent to change password It never came I sent ** requests while I was waiting on phone nothing came Then the girl finally answers sayoing Yes you have an acct. I can see it I said send me a link to change password She wouldn't This is retarded I was told last wk that you people strive yourself on making people happy Yet I can never log in Never get help when I call or email you This is stupid I have a charge on my bank acct That I want to check orders to see what I was charged BUT I CAN'T LOG IN
GetHuman:好吧,你有它。 ~?在नवंबर २६, २०१७发生的Groupon客户服务问题中得到了一些有用的反馈和措辞。