T-Mobile: Four months into our contract, we deeply regret...
GetHuman用户~m来自November 7th, 2017的T-Mobile条客户评论
~m:Yup。在November 6th上是afternoon。
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~m:“ Complaint”是我尝试使用to call的原因。
~m:Four months into our contract, we deeply regret choosing T-Mobile. Every month brings new calls to a "service" agent to dispute charges. Some have recurred monthly because the last rep did not actually cancel or block a service, despite assuring us it had been done.**Third party charges can be blocked - but nobody let us in on this secret until the *nd time. Slacker Radio has been cancelled, says the third rep in three months. But it is still on the bill.**It is clearly endemic to T-mobile - bill first, make it hard for the customer to get out of it (the service they never wanted) later. Some agents have been kind and helpful individuals, but the company clearly sets up an environment of underhanded billing. Very shady. I recommend you avoid T-mobile if ANYTHING else is available.
GetHuman:好吧,你有它。 ~m在November 6th, 2017发生的T-Mobile客户服务问题中得到了一些有用的反馈和措辞。