Sprint: First off, I wanna say that I gave this a * bec...
GetHuman用户~PhoneInterrupted来自नवंबर २३, २०१७的Sprint条客户评论
~PhoneInterrupted:Yup。在नवंबर १६上是evening。
~PhoneInterrupted:我使用了我在GetHuman Sprint客户电话号码页面上找到的888-211-4727号码:Sprint客户服务电话号码 GetHuman:这些常见的Sprint客户问题中,哪一个最能说明您想与他们交谈的原因?
(显示 ~PhoneInterrupted 常见 Sprint 问题的列表)
~PhoneInterrupted:“ Setup service”是我尝试使用to call的原因。
~PhoneInterrupted:First off, I wanna say that I gave this a * because the "Tech Guy" did address my main concern, however it took forever to root around in the system JUST to talk to an ACTUAL HUMAN being, and yes I called that number listed above and FINALLY got a person in the STATES (YAY!!!) only to be told that he didn't handle my type of calls ( BOO!!) !!! All I wanted was to find out why I was told one billing date, but given a different one!! Anyways....after Mr.America gave me the number to "appropriate" department, I ended up right where I had started!!! With the stupid computer voice recording (annoying as ****).. by now I'm irritated and just want the problem fixed by somebody that I can understand..so I just started pressing any number that might possibly get me to a live body!!! I was able to talk to a "Tech Guy" that helped to resolve the issue. But I STILL wanna know why trying to talk to a person for SPRINT is like trying to dig for gold?! Long, arduous, tedious, and frustrating! ! T
GetHuman:好吧,你有它。 ~PhoneInterrupted在नवंबर १६, २०१७发生的Sprint客户服务问题中得到了一些有用的反馈和措辞。