FedEx: We paid for Next business day shipping through...
GetHuman用户~dobetter来自novembre 2º, 2017的FedEx条客户评论
~dobetter:Yes I can。在ottobre 24º上是afternoon。
~dobetter:我使用了我在GetHuman FedEx客户电话号码页面上找到的800-463-3339号码:FedEx客户服务电话号码 GetHuman:这些常见的FedEx客户问题中,哪一个最能说明您想与他们交谈的原因?
(显示 ~dobetter 常见 FedEx 问题的列表)
~dobetter:“ Lost package”是我尝试使用to call的原因。
~dobetter:We paid for Next business day shipping through FedEx on Wednesday November **, ****. The package didn't actually ship out till Thursday November **, **** for delivery on Friday November **, ****. When the driver got to the shipping address he didn't even knock on the door, he just stuck a pre-printed label on the door and commented that we weren't available for delivery. We were there and were waiting vigilantly enough that we happened to look outside to see if perhaps the driver just left the package, instead we found his tag that he had left **minutes earlier. WE WERE THERE THE WHOLE TIME! So we call FedEx immediately and two and a half hours later still haven't got an answer other than they should attempt redelivery on Monday! FIVE DAYS ON A NEXT DAY PACKAGE!!! We'll never use FedEx again! See ya..
GetHuman:好吧,你有它。 ~dobetter在ottobre 24º, 2017发生的FedEx客户服务问题中得到了一些有用的反馈和措辞。