DirecTV: Called up to cancel my terminally ill father's...
GetHuman用户~bluesgirl来自novembre 5, 2017的DirecTV条客户评论
~bluesgirl:Sure。在octobre 31上是middle of the night。
~bluesgirl:我使用了我在GetHuman DirecTV客户电话号码页面上找到的800-531-5000号码:DirecTV客户服务电话号码 GetHuman:这些常见的DirecTV客户问题中,哪一个最能说明您想与他们交谈的原因?
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~bluesgirl:“ Technical Support”是我尝试使用to call的原因。
~bluesgirl:Called up to cancel my terminally ill father's service. He had appearently added a "bundle" of premium channels last year after ** years of having his account with DirecTV. So they would not allow me to cancel service at his address without charging him $*** because when he added that bundle it extended his contract by another * years (and we are only one year into contract)!!! I was tranferred to several people. I had to go through the entire story over and over again. The last person I spoke with was a supervisor who said that my father had "royalty status" with them for so many years of service and excellent credit. I would hate to see how they treat someone who doesn't have years of service and excellent payment history! This supervisor kept pushing for me to transfer service to another address. It was all around a very frustrating call!
GetHuman:好吧,你有它。 ~bluesgirl在octobre 31, 2017发生的DirecTV客户服务问题中得到了一些有用的反馈和措辞。